On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Daniel Hinojosa wrote:

> The ant documentation is where I learned all my stuff.
> > Being new to both Ant and Tomcat, I'm wondering if someone could point
> > me to a good example of an Ant build.xml for for building and deploying
> > servlets under Tomcat. Thanks for your help. (I looked for this in the
> > faqs but couldn't find any relevant info.)
> >
> > Chuck

There is also an "Application Developer's Guide" included with Tomcat that
has just such an example build.xml file.  It's available from the "Tomcat
Documentation" link on the home page when you start Tomcat.

The most recent version of this document (it references Tomcat 4 but is
almost completely compatible with Tomcat 3.2 as well) is available online


This version of the Guide has been updated to take advantage of the new
features in Ant 1.3, such as automatically constructing compile classpaths
for you.  This is *much* more useful than constantly twiddling with
environment variables.

Craig McClanahan

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