On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Knaggs, George R wrote:

> Mr Shachor / Tomcat-User,
> I hope you don't mind this email but I've been unable to find any
> information on how to configure IIS with Tomcat using a Virtual Host where
> the context path / URI is the root (http://one.domain.com/ and
> http://two.domain.com/).  I have more than one virtual host on this server
> and the uriworkermap.properties doesn't mention anything about configuring
> more than one host using the same uri /servlet/*.  The tomcat-iis-howto
> discusses a similar setup but the contexts have different URIs (/examples/*
> and /webpages/*).

There is work going on to fix this in jakarta-tomcat-connectors. One
workaround is to just forward all /servlet/* to tomcat, and configure
virtual host on tomcat.

Of course, the problems are very complex if you want static files served
by IIS, it can't be done without few fixes in mod_jk.

> I've also had trouble installing the isapi filter for an additional web site
> using the IIS management console.  It doesn't seem to be able load the
> filter a second time.  Is there anything that has to be configured
> differently for installing the filter on a second web-site on the same web
> server.

AFAIK you need a single instance of the isapi filter. The filter should
deal with virtual hosts - unfortunately the code is not yet completed. If
you know some C - you're wellcome to contribute :-)

> Can you please tell me if this is possible and if there is any documentation
> on how to set this up.  I've configured this many times with Apache but I'm
> locked into using IIS4.0 inorder to use a different ISAPI filter that
> provides single-signon features used at my company.

Sorry, I don't use windows. Integrating authentication mechanisms of
server and tomcat is very difficult, planned for a future version of jk.
( probably ajp14 )


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