Check the tomcat docs on howto create a .war file using Ant
($TOMCAT_HOME/docs/appdev/index.html). Put the .war in the webapps
directory. You don't have to (but you can if you want to override the
default settings) add a specific context for your webapp, as it will be
added automatically when tomcat starts.

Hope this helps a bit.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Zaitchik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: maandag 6 augustus 2001 22:48
> To: Tomcat-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org
> Subject: Deploying .war file
> I know this should be trivial but it is just not working for 
> me... I have a
> (Tomcat 3.2.3) application consisting of various html and jsp 
> and tld files
> currently under \webapps\alan\app1. The tags refer to 
> handlers and tei files
> in \webapps\WEB-INF\classes\alan\app1. The web.xml file in 
> \webapps\WEB-INF
> does not refer to any of these elements at the moment. 
> Everything works just
> fine.
> I want to create an app1.war file for all the above which can 
> be deployed
> somewhere else entirely, say c:\bob. According to what I read 
> in various
> places, all I need to do is create a web.xml file that adds a 
> <servlet> tag
> for the jsp files (using <jsp-file> rather than 
> <servlet-class>), create an
> app1.war file using the jar utility, and add a <context> 
> block to server.xml
> to define a virtual path to c:\bob\app1.war. I did all these 
> but Tomcat
> (after restart) cannot find my jsp files.
> I believe I must be specifying something incorrectly. Would 
> the context
> block be something like:
> <context path="/whatever" docBase="c:\bob\app1.war" 
> crossContext="false"
> debug="0" reloadable="true" trusted="false">
> Also, in the original location I pointed my browser at 
> alan1/app1/fu.jsp and
> Tomcat found the files easily (since they were under 
> webapps). Is it enough
> to just add to the web.xml file blocks like
> <servlet><servlet-name>fu</servlet-name><jsp-file>fu.jsp</jsp-file>
> or must I add something else to web.xml?
> Perhaps the problem is in the URL I type into the browser 
> address?? Should
> it be http://host/whatever/fu or http://host/whatever/fu.jsp or
> http://host/whatever/alan/app1/fu.jsp
> where "/whatever" is the virtual path to c:\bob\app1.war defined in
> server.xml? Actually I tried all these (and other 
> combinations) but without
> luck...
> Please excuse the simplicity of this question but I just 
> cannot seem to get
> the war file working.
> Alan

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