> > I wrote a class around the javac from IBM,...
> Is this "javac from IBM" freely redistributable? I believe
> the "javac" that
> comes with Sun's JDK is not. That is the main reason for substituting
> javac with Jikes for many of us.
I don't quitte get that question, as everyone is able to download sun's jdk
from their site isn't it?? That's the same for the IBM jdk, with the only
difference that you have to register yourself before you can download it.
> And, if you do not plan to redistribute your application, why not use
> tools.jar?
You mean, the sun's javac compiler in the tools.jar? Mm... didn't thought
about that option.
> Also, do you plan to post your solution in "how to - step by
> step" form
> so that users who encounter the same problem on AIX would benefit?
1. Copy JikesJavaCompiler.java from the Tomcat sources to
2. Remove the packagename from the top of the file, or insert a new package
3. Add the "-O" option to the commandline String[] in compile() (to
'optimize' compilation)
3. Compile your class & put it in a jar (jar -cvf ....)
4. Put the jar file in the tomcat/lib directory
5. Add <jspCompilerPlugin> parameter to web.xml and specify your classname
6. Add <jspCompilerPath> parameter to web.xml and specify the executable of
the compiler ($IBMJDK_HOME/sh/javac)
7. Flush work directory
8. Start tomcat
9. Your jsp's are being compiled with ibm's compiler. If not, check
logs/jasper.log for initialization errors for your compiler.
That's it.