On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Roytman, Alex wrote:

> Hello
> I would like to propose to add several things to tomcat's context's
> environment jndi when a context gets created

Sounds like a good discussion for TOMCAT-DEV ...

> Specifically I am interested in context path, context real path and any
> other tomcat context runtime info
> If it will not violate security I would be happy if Context itself can
> be looked up via jndi. One of the uses of this kind of information will
> be to help jndi object factories which need this info to read its
> metadata from WEB-INF directory (i.e. many Object/Relational mappers
> need access to their metadata to be initialized). It is possible to use
> Environment entries for this purpose but it will be deployment nightmare
> because we will need to hardcode real path to context. If you think that
> this case is well justified it would be great if we could add it to
> Servlet specs

Adding it to the servlet specs would be pretty problematic ... the
org.apache.catalina.Context interface is very much specific to Tomcat 4.
However, making additional info available to these resource factories
(which are already Tomcat-specific anyway) sounds reasonable.

Alex, could you put in a Bugzilla report for an enhancement, outlining the
specific things you'd like to see available to an object factory?  That
way the idean won't get lost in the mailing lists.


> Alex


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