In the conf directory, modify the tomcat.conf , search for port 80, but I
think the default is 8080. You can change that to whatever you like from
that file. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sahar Madani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: start tomcat under apache, different port

I have got tomcat 3.2.3 and mod_jk working with apache 1.3.19
But I don't want to serve the servlets under port 80 where apache is.
And I don't want to run tomcat as stand alone.
Is it possible to  tell mod_jk and tomcat to host the servlets on a
secure port other than 80, under apache?  and have apache running on
port 80 for static files.
ie.   instead of
I understand that this is possible if I don't use mod_jk and run tomcat
as stand alone.
But I want to use mod_jk and apche as explained above.


Sahar Madani  Senior Software Engineer

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