I have a bunch of users that do the ~username convention to publish out of
their home directory.  My question is, how do I let them use .jsp without
going through and manually mounting each directory?  In my mod_jk.conf I have
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12 which, according to my understanding, means "if it has a
.jsp extension, pass it to tomcat who will automagically take care of it".
However, it doesn't work out that way ;-)  Any attempts to his something like
foo.com/~username/helloworld.jsp, results in the infamous 404 from tomcat.
It appears apache is passing it over readily enough, but tomcat doesn't know
how to expand ~user to /u/user/public_html.  Please help, as this is the last
thing I need to get going before it is working perfectly.

If it matters:
Solaris 7, Ultra60
Apache 1.3.14
Tomcat 3.2.3
mod_jk 3.3-b1

Thanks in advance!


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