The best things to do is to install apache1.3.19 with --enable-module=so in

"Bernard T. Higonnet" wrote:

> e-value - Maxime Mathon wrote:
> > apxs is in you apache/bin directory (ie /usr/local/apache/bin)
> > set APACHE_HOME if you want to be clean.
> Well, no. That's my problem.
> On my machine (a standard Mandrake installation (I did not tell it to
> put apache in some funny place) as far as I am aware) there is no
> /usr/local/apache/bin.
> The result of "find / -name apxs" is nothing.
> "which apxs" says he can't find it.
> The only other thing I can add is that, curiously, I do have the man
> page for apxs???
> BT Higonnet
> >
> > "Bernard T. Higonnet" wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I have Apache 1.3.19 plopped down on my system as a result of installing
> >>Mandrake 8.0. I have installed tomcat 3.2.3 from the tarball and it
> >>seems to work to the extent that I can look at the examples at
> >>localhost:8080/examples.
> >>
> >>I have the source code for mod_jk but I can't follow the instructions in
> >>mod_jk-howto.html because I have no apxs (at least that's what find
> >>says) since I didn't build Apache myself...

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