To cut and paste from %TOMCAT_HOME%\doc\readme

6.6 Avoiding "Out of environment space" errors on Windows 95/98

This error can easily occur since the default amount of environment space
is typically insufficient to run Tomcat.  Here are a couple of ways to
avoid it.

  A. If you use the MS-DOS Prompt to start Tomcat, execute Programs ->
     MS-DOS Prompt.  Right-click the MS-DOS icon on the left of the title
     and select Properties at the bottom of the menu.  In the MS-DOS
     Properties dialog select the Memory tab.  In the "Initial
     field, set a sufficiently high number.  If you are not sure, 3072
     be plenty.  Click OK and close the MS-DOS Prompt window.  Execute
     Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt again, navigate to the directory where you
     installed Tomcat.  Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable if not set
     already.  You should be able to execute "bin\startup" and
     to start and stop Tomcat without getting an "Out of environment

  B. If you want to start Tomcat by double clicking a batch file such as
     startup.bat, you should right-click on the desired batch file in
     Explorer and select Properties to open the MS-DOS Prompt Properties
     dialog.  Select the Memory tab and set the "Initial environment:" as
     described above.  You may want to also select the Program tab and
     "Close on exit".  Then click OK.  A shortcut with these settings will
     created in same directory with the same base name as the batch
file.  You
     should be able to double-click the shortcut or the batch file to
     without getting an "Out of environment space" error.  If you wish to
     execute startup.bat and shutdown.bat in this fashion, you will need
to do
     the above for both files.  In addition, you need to provide for
     JAVA_HOME.  This may be done by adding a "SET JAVA_HOME=path to your
     line to your autoexec.bat or to the startup.bat and shutdown.bat


On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Mark Melhado wrote:

> Hello,
> I've installed Tomcat 3.2.3 on my Win98 machine, but after a couple of 
> hours of trying to get it started - no joy. I routinely compile and run 
> other Java programs on this maching, but there is something about the 
> Tomcat startup.bat file that is giving me fits. Anyway, I've searched the 
> archives and carefully followed the install docs, but I'm stumped.
> Here's my autoexec file:
> C:\>type autoexec.bat
> SET PATH=c:\;c:\windows;c:\jdk1.3\bin
> SET TOMCAT_HOME=c:\jakart~1.3
> SET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3
> SET CLASSPATH=.;c:\lost_forest\com
> Here's what happens when I run the startup.bat. Also, please note that I've 
> upped the environmental variable memory allocation to over 3k with the DOS 
> Shell command and I really don't think that I'm out of environment space. 
> In fact, after startup.bat dies I can manually add over 20 new environment 
> variables that are over 150 characters each. <Sigh> Any help will be 
> appreciated!
> Regards,
> Mark...
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\bin>startup
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Unable to set CLASSPATH dynamically.
> Note: To set the CLASSPATH dynamically on Win9x systems
>        only DOS 8.3 names may be used in TOMCAT_HOME!
> Setting your CLASSPATH statically.
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Out of environment space
> Using CLASSPATH: c:\jakart~1.3\classes
> Out of environment space
> Starting Tomcat in new window
> Bad command or file name
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\bin>

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