I'm getting used to Tomcat but not enough to get it work.
Trying to install the SSL connector, but always getting a java IO exception,
"keystore tampered". I'm a complete newbie either in tomcat or in ssl, so I
surely didn't do things right. Is there a good tutorial for this (I mean for
catalina and ssl) , because most of litterature is relevant only for Tomcat
previous versions, and Sun's documentation deals with java classes, not with
applications that needs to be configurated through server.xml.

So, do I have to make changes to the catalina.bat, to include (in the
dostartsecure / dorunsecure) the lines:

Do I have to make include a specific keystore in the catalina.policy using

How to modify the tomcat server.xml 's ssl connector to show the keystore
and keypass?

Thanks for any hint on this wild matter.


France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

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