> Rob, are you sure for all those things that I have asked, I can find in
> that link....

You have to READ them.  Your questions are not address in question-and-answer form of 
course!  If you read the docs or examine config files that the docs discuss, you'll 
find these things stated in one form or another.

> > 1) Is encodeURL supported in tomcat.

HttpServletResponse is part of the Servlet API.  Because tomcat 3.x implements that 
API (this is on the homepage for crying out loud) then one can assume that Tomcat 
implements encodeURL.

> > 2) How are sessions maintained. (I am using Tomcat 3.2)

This is part of the servlet specification.  See answer to previous question.

> > 3) If I am using only tomcat without webserver, How do I make it
> accessible
> > from the 'World'(net). what all settings needs to be done.

I don't really understand what this means...  It's just like starting any server.  If 
another computer can access your computer, they can access a server listening for 
connections on that computer.

> > 4) Is connection pools supported in tomcat just like weblogic. How do we
> go
> > about this.

I don't know, if I read the docs I'm sure I could find out though...

> > 5) Can I make tomcat to listen on port 80

$TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml is the main config file for Tomcat.

- r

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