I've posted this before and am still looking for a solution.

After reading the Tomcat architecure docs, I have a question.

Is there anyway to call the invoke method of a container from the webserver
whenever needed. i.e. If I wanted to get the time it takes for the web
server to process a request (meaning I'd like the webserver to handle the
request), could the server engine be invoke()'d to startTime and when the
webserver finished handling the request, is there some way it could be
invoked again to stopTime so that I'd know how long it took?

Note, I don't want to know how long the container took to execute the
service, rather, how long it took for the webserver to execute. But I'd like
to use the container for timing (a java solution as it would run on many
webservers) and not have to use plug-ins.

I know that in order for the servlet to do this it must handle the request
and I could get the times from the response and then the request, but I'm
looking to see if I can *monitor* (if that's the right word) the web servers
performance and time a the time it took to process a request. Maybe someway
to make callbacks to the webserver?

My reason for wanting apache to handle the requests is because of sites that
have very large connection loads that our clients/or Tomcat will not accept
performace wise. 


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