On Saturday 18 August 2001 17:17 pm, you wrote:
> > without the SSL engine. They want to use their own SSL
> > accelarator however
> <freeware geek>No doubt one they're going to charge your company for!</fg>
You must be joking. We're charging them :) It's just the twisted way they 
like to deploy things.

> > It must detect that as it isn't doing the SSL, and the SSL
> > accelarator has
> > decoded the SSL stream from the user, the connection is insecure and it
> > therefore uses HTTP and not HTTPS.
> I would agree.  Tomcat has no knowledge that SSL is in use and returns the
> appropriate URL.
> > Is there anyway to override this behaviour?
> Hmm...  generate all URLs by hand with a custom tag?
> <myTags:encodeURL>/someDir/somePage.jsp</>
> ...and I don't think you'd be able to use a RequestDispatcher to forward
> requests either.  Maybe one of the TC devs can reply if interceptors or
> valves or something could help.
> I'm not too experienced with all of this, but I figured I'd try and help
> out nonetheless ;)
ta :) Well I can't really recode the urls. I have no problems using my own 
urls, infact I have an object which reads a .rc file that tells the web 
engine where it's deployed, so it can create links like:

<%= WebDefaults.ROOT_PATH + "myImages/moo.gif" %>

WebDefaults.ROOT_PATH is the path from / that this jsp is deployed. But I 
started using this in my novice days. I'm sure there is a method to get that 
for me ? :)

The actualy problem is the initial redirect when the client says to the 

GET / HTTP/1.0

and the server returns a redirect to:


but of course that needs to be:


if the accelarator is in use.


> - r

John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM Slb. (http://www.teamenergy.com)
The views expressed in this mail are my own.

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