
Since I need to get a DataSource from some JNDI I have downloaded PoolMan 2.0.4.
When I am trying to run "JSP Database Client" Tomcat terminates.

In <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib I have the following jars:
poolman.jar, jdbc2_0-stdext.jar, jta.jar, xerces.jar, mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar

I also have the poolman.xml in the same dir, but this is added to CLASSPATH in 
if exist "%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\poolman.xml" set CP=%CP%;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\poolman.xml

What's wrong?

Joacim J

My poolman.xml (based on poolman.xml.template)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- If the management-mode is JMX, then JMX will be used to deploy  -->
  <!-- all of the DataSource pools and object pools, and the JMX admin -->
  <!-- will be started for HTTP-based administration of pools. JMX     -->
  <!-- is somewhat heavy for applications that necessarily require it, -->
  <!-- and its internal ClassLoaders occasionally create conflicts.    -->
  <!-- Thus it can be commented out and not used.                      -->
  <!-- POSSIBLE VALUES: jmx, local                                     -->
  <!-- DEFAULT: local (JMX not used)                                   -->             
  <!-- =============================================================== -->

  <!-- ========================================================== -->
  <!-- These entries illustrate configuration of generic non-JDBC -->
  <!-- object pooling.                                            -->
  <!-- ========================================================== -->

  <!-- ========================================================== -->
  <!-- These entries are an example of JDBC Connection pooling.   -->
  <!-- Many of the parameters are optional. Consult the           -->
  <!-- UsersGuide.html doument for guidance and element           --> 
  <!-- definitions.                                               -->
  <!-- ========================================================== -->


    <!-- ============================== -->
    <!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
    <!-- ============================== -->

    <!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->

    <!-- If the following element is set to true, then PoolMan's  -->
    <!-- scrollable/updatable ResultSet will not be used, and the -->
    <!-- underlying driver's ResultSet will be used instead. This -->
    <!-- provides a performance gain in certain rare instances at -->
    <!-- the expense of functionality.                            -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: false                                           -->

    <!-- ======================== -->
    <!-- Pool Behavior Attributes -->
    <!-- ======================== -->

    <!-- Connections created when the pool is instantiated -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 1                                        -->

    <!-- The pool will never shrink below this number -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 0                                   -->

    <!-- The pool will never grow larger than this value -->

    <!-- If the maximum size of a pool is reached but requests  -->
    <!-- are still waiting on objects, PoolMan will create new  -->
    <!-- emergency objects if this value is set to true. This   -->
    <!-- will temporarily increase the size of the pool, but    -->
    <!-- the pool will shrink back down to acceptable size      -->
    <!-- automatically when the skimmer activates. If this      -->
    <!-- value is set to false, the requests will sit and wait  -->
    <!-- until an object is available.                          -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: true                                          -->

    <!-- The connection will be destroyed after living for a     -->
    <!-- duration of this value. IN SECONDS.                     -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 1200 (20 minutes)                              -->

    <!-- A user will lose a Connection and it will automatically -->
    <!-- return to its pool after the duration greater than or   -->
    <!-- equal to this value. If this value is set to 0 or less, -->
    <!-- no user timeout will be enforced. IN SECONDS.           -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 20                                             --> 

    <!-- How frequently each object's connection timeout and     -->
    <!-- user timeout values will be examined for collection.    -->
    <!-- IN SECONDS.                                             -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 420 (7 minutes)                                -->

    <!-- Each time the pool is sized down, how many connections  -->
    <!-- should be removed from it? This value prevents backing  -->
    <!-- off the pool too quickly.                               -->

    <!-- Each time a connection is requested, it is validated by -->
    <!-- the pool to ensure that it is active. If this element   -->
    <!-- exists, then it is treated as a SQL query that is       -->
    <!-- executed on the raw Connection (bypassing the cache)    -->
    <!-- in order to ensure the Connection is valid. If this     -->
    <!-- element does NOT exist, then the Connection.isClosed()  -->
    <!-- method is used to validate it instead. The              -->
    <!-- Connection.isClosed() method is unreliable on some      -->
    <!-- drivers.                                                -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: null                                           -->
    <validationQuery>SELECT id FROM users</validationQuery>

    <!-- Where should log and debug information be printed?      -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: System.out                                     -->

    <!-- If set to true, the logger will display verbose info    -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->

    <!-- XA Connection Attributes   -->

    <!-- Query Cache Attributes-->

    <!-- If enabled, queries will be cached. The cache is        -->
    <!-- asynchronously updated in the background.               -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->

    <!-- The maximum number of query/ResultSet pairs the         -->
    <!-- cache can contain.                                      --> 
    <!-- DEFAULT: 5                                              -->

    <!-- How long the cache waits before re-loading its          -->
    <!-- ResultSets from the underlying database.                -->
    <!-- IN SECONDS.                                             -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: 30                                             -->

    <!-- A SQL statement to be executed when the pool is created.-->
    <!-- DEFAULT: none                                           -->
        insert into users values(32, 'xml')

    <!-- A SQL statement to be excuted every time a Connection   -->
    <!-- is accessed.                                            -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: none                                           -->
        insert into users values(1010, 'con')

    <!-- Whether a SQLException should cause the Connection to   --> 
    <!-- be removed from the pool and destroyed.                 -->
    <!-- DEFAULT: false                                          -->


  <!-- ==================================================== -->
  <!-- Another generic object pool, this one is used by     -->
  <!-- the PoolManServlet application                       -->
  <!-- ==================================================== -->

  <!-- ========================================= -->
  <!-- Admin via JMX HTML Adapter. Disable this  -->
  <!-- (at least comment it out) for production  -->
  <!-- environments. When enabled, point your    -->
  <!-- web browser to the localhost:[port] to    -->
  <!-- view the JMX html admin agent.            -->
  <!-- This agent is not created if the          -->
  <!-- management-mode element above is not      -->
  <!-- set to "jmx"                              -->
  <!-- ========================================= -->


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