Sounds like a case issue... Remember windows is case-preserving but not
case-sensitive... most half decent o/s's (like linux) are both
case-preserving _and_ case sensitive (o:


On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Noble Long wrote:

> I am trying to configure a java web server using jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3 on Red
> Hat 6.2. I am recieving a ConfigFileNotFoundException when I try to access
> my page. I have the WEB-INF/web.xml properly configured. I know it's right
> because it works fine from my windows environment. I even tried copying my
> web.xml file to /conf/web.xml to replace the default. Is there any reason
> why Java can't find the System.getProperty("ENVFile") from Tomcat?
> Thanks,
> Noble

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