I've upgraded to Cocoon2.0b1 from beta1.
But since I changed the war old war file to the new one ( I've erased the
"work" directory before, idem for the log files), I get an exception at
Tomcat's start. No one answered my question on cocoon mailing list, so I try
it here.
The exception is:

PARSE error at line 181 column -1
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: org.apache.crimson.parser/V-036 web-app

Everything seems to work fine, but I had to put my mm.mysql.jar file inside
the Cocoon web-inf/lib, because it couldn't find my mysql drivers. I haven't
changed anything in the Tomcat server.xml nor web.xml files. So what has it
got to do with the war file I created?

Here is my today mystery.
Here is my complete start screeen:

Using CLASSPATH: g:\Tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar;G:\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar;
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5
PARSE error at line 181 column -1
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: org.apache.crimson.parser/V-036 web-app
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5

Thanks for a clue.

France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

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