
We are setting up the JDBCRealm security with Tomcat.  We have seen the
jdbcrealm.howto file and we are able to make a small test sample run perfectly
fine.  However, there are some clarifications in the implementation scenario
that require your inputs:

We have more than one webapps running in the Tomcat Server.  I understand that
it is recommended to create a separate schema for jdbcrealm authentication, but
one can create the authentication schema in the application database too rather
then create a new schema.  Lets say we have 5 database schemas in a single
database, which are for 5 different webapps, and we want to use JDBCrealm
authentication.  One option is to create a separate schema (as mentioned in the
.howto document), but this will require extensive changes in our code for each
web app.  In case we are to bundle the security schema with the application
database schema, how do we create the corresponding multiple RequestInterceptor
entries in server.xml for all of these?  How will tomcat validate the username
with the correct username/password? Are there any other ways to implement this
authentication?  Are there any disadvantages in NOT creating a separate database

Any suggestions are most welcome!

Nitin Goyal
Webrizon eSolutions Pvt. Ltd., INDIA
There is no failure except in no longer trying.

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