Hi there,

this is not a tomcat-problem. Your browser comes with Microsoft Java VM
which is not able to handle any stuff from the javax.swing package.
Furthermore it does not recognize that it should use the Java Plugin since
it is not enought just to install the plugin. You need to run the
htmlconverter on your html-file. It converts the <applet>-tag into something
like "<OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-..." which actually causes
IE5 to start the plugin. You can easily check this by enabling the
java-console in your plugin-control-panel. If I am right, the java-console
should pop up when showing the swing test applets from sun but it does not
pop up, when showing your own html-page (close your browser before loading
the pages, otherwise this effect doesn't work). In the latest plugin
versions, you can also verify that the plugin is loaded by the little java
guy showing up in your taskbar. You can retrieve the htmlconverter from
java.sun.com. Up to Java version 1.3.0_01 it is available, separatly. In
later versions, it is bundled togehter with the J2SDK. However, you can use
the htmlconverter for 1.3.0, which will work with any later versions of the
JRE and plugin, perfectly well. Hope this helps.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Mihai Gheorghiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Dienstag, 28. August 2001 18:23
> Betreff: Yet another newbie question
> I created (with NetBeans) a test applet that includes one 
> JLabel field.
> I load it under Tomcat3.2.2 on RH7.0 and the browser (IE5.5) 
> on another
> machine displays the html page with header "Applet HTML Page" 
> and footer
> "Generated by NetBeans IDE", but I get only a grey rectangle 
> instead of the
> actual applet.
> I have Java plug-in installed in IE. I can open the Swing 
> test applets from
> Sun's website.
> Tomcat generates an error message in the terminal window it 
> was started
> from:
> 2001-08-28 12:12:00 - Ctx( /development ): 404 R( /development +
> /javax/swing/JApplet.class + null) null
> What should I do?
> Thank you all.

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