This is not based on any knowledge of jasper, but do you get the exception
if you declare TagManager in a package?  My guess is that jasper uses the
fully qualified form of the tag name in declaring the tag in the jsp and
the fact that you dont use a package is upsetting it.

having said that - its a guess... 


On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, MindTerm wrote:

> Dear all,
>   I want to implement custom tag in jsp and I got the
> following error :
>   Environment:
> --------------------------------------------------
>   OS: Win 2k 
>   Tomcat 4.0.7 beta 
>   TagManager.class located at
> webapps/myproject/WEB-INF/classes/TagManager.class
>   web.xml:
> --------------------------------------------------
>    <taglib>
>      <taglib-uri>/MYTAG</taglib-uri> 
> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/mytaglib.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib> 
>   mytaglib.tld:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <!DOCTYPE taglib
>    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag
> Library 1.1//EN" 
> "";>
> <taglib>
>   <!-- The version number of this tag library -->
>   <tlibversion>1.0</tlibversion>
>   <!-- The JSP specification version required to
> function -->
>   <jspversion>1.1</jspversion>
>   <!-- The short name of this tag library -->
>   <shortname></shortname>
>   <!-- Public URI that uniquely identifies this
> version of the tag library -->
> <!--uri></uri-->
>   <!-- General information about this tag library -->
>   <info>
>     A simple tag library for the examples
>   </info>
>   <!-- subname -->
>   <tag>
>     <name>code</name>
>     <tagclass>TagManager</tagclass>
>     <!-- bodycontent
>     JSP (default): the JSP container should evaluate
> any body of the tag, but it can also be empty 
>     tagdependent : any body of the tag would be
> handled by the tag itself, but it can also be empty 
>     empty        : body must be empty 
>     -->
>     <bodycontent>empty</bodycontent>
>   </tag>  
> </taglib>
> my
> ------------------------------------------------
> import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
> import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
> public class TagManager extends TagSupport
> {
>   /**
>    * Constructor
>    */
>   public TagManager( )
>   {
>     super();
>   }
>   public int doStartTag() throws JspException
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       pageContext.getOut().print("Hello.");
>     }
>     catch ( Exception ex )
>     {
>       throw new JspTagException( "SimpleTag: " +
> ex.getMessage() );
>     }
>     return SKIP_BODY;
>   }
>   public int doEndTag()
>   {
>     return EVAL_PAGE;
>   }
> }
>   Error:
>   ------------------------------------------------
>   Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at
> line: 8 
> in the jsp file: /jsp/project/ACC03.jsp 
> Generated servlet error: 
> Class org.apache.jsp.TagManager not found. 
> TagManager _jspx_th_ytag_code_0 = new TagManager(); 
> ^ An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file:
> /jsp/project/ACC03.jsp 
> Generated servlet error: 
> Class org.apache.jsp.TagManager not found. 
> TagManager _jspx_th_ytag_code_0 = new TagManager(); 
> ^ 2 errors 
>    the example in sun tutorial about cutsomer tag also
> cause same error in my testing environment. 
>    Thank for your help. 
> M.T.
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