You can do this with a relative path.  In other words, don't start it 
with a "/".  For example, I have an application myapp in 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myapp.  If a JSP in myapp requests a Javascript, 
image, or anything else in the same directory, it's just '<script 
language="JavaScript1.3" src="./myscript.js">' or '<script 
language="JavaScript1.3" src="myscript.js">'.  If the requesting JSP was 
in a lower diretory, say myapp/test, the I use '<script 
language="JavaScript1.3" src="../myscript.js">'

Ramesh Yerneni wrote:

> Can someone tell how to provide location of a file without giving 
> complete path in jsp?
> I am including javascript file in jsp for validations. I couldn't get 
> it to work unless if I give the complete path which is what I am 
> trying to avoid. TIA
> ... 

Thad Humphries               " religious test shall ever be required
Web Development Manager       as a qualification to any office or public
Phone: 540/675-3015, x225     trust under the United States." -Article VI

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