On Thu, 30 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can someone write a step by step guide to writing an app for Tomcat? How
> about a Hello World app? I don't know XML so I can't write build.xml files
> or anything. I'm really stuck.

http://java.sun.com/products/servlet is a good place to
start.  essentially tomcat just plays by those rules, so pretty well most
of the questions you're likely to ask will be answered in there

> Can I just write a JSP file and stick it in /webapps and fetch it? 
yep, although it needs to be part of a web application (keyword)

> servlets and Beans too? What is a servlet context? Is that just the document
> root? If it's just the document root for the app, why the hell make up new
> jargon for it and why not just call it document root of an app? 
(o:  lol... it effectively is the docroot, but you can have more, and it
is certainly more than just the docroot - each web application exists in
its own (servlet) context.  this means that a heap of classloader issues
will be taken care of there.  

> learning all this jargon. You can spend your life getting really good at
> programming or spend your life getting to know all the jargon. It seems
> that's the way.
if there were no jargon, what would consultants do for a living (o:  hehe

> Also, why doesn't this work:
> <% response.writeln("Hello World"); %>

response is of type HttpServletResponse, which doesn't have a method
called writeln.  the variable "out" however is a PrintWriter which does,

<% out.writeln("Hello World"); %>

should work.


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