Sorry, that was a typo, I have it as src, still doesn't work. Thank you for 
trying to help...

----Original Message Follows----
From: Thad Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Filepath quesiton
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 11:38:36 -0400

It's not "scr"--it's "src".  It should read <script

Ramesh Yerneni wrote:

>In my jsp file tried to replace
><script scr="c:\aims\src\jsp\orgedit.js"></script>
>and it doesn't work. The .js file and .jsp file are in same directory.
>What intrigues me more is in the same jsp the following line works
><%@include file="footer.jsp" %>
>For some reason I can't get .js files to work without giving full path
>where as included jsp are loaded properly wihtout full path. Anybody
>knows why?

Thad Humphries               " religious test shall ever be required
Web Development Manager       as a qualification to any office or public
Phone: 540/675-3015, x225     trust under the United States." -Article VI

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