On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, mazzen al-najjar wrote:
> Victor Martinez wrote:
> > Does anybody knows a book about Tomcat? Iīm looking for one and i havenīt
> > seen anything...
> an opinion i don't find expressed in the archives, so i'll say it once:
> just about every book on jsp or servlets ever published uses tomcat as
> the example engine. they may not have "tomcat" in the title, but they

there is also the fact that you are not (or shouldn't be) developing
applicaitons for "tomcat" but rather for a "servlet engine" that supports
the spec (2.2 or 2.3).  If you do this a) you can follow the rules laid
out in the spec, which has very good coverage imho, and b) swap easily
between servlet containers.


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