How many Apache children do you have?  The default is 256, which will indeed
almost immediately consume all the threads in the Tomcat thread pool if you do
not increase it.  Each Apache child uses a thread.

With ajp13, what counts is really the number of Apache children that are
active.  You can easily count them with the Apache status mod or by using ps.

It is really a "buglet" that the Tomcat thread default is set lower than the
Apache default.


--- GOMEZ Henri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi (.*),
> >
> >     Hope all is well around the globe.
> >
> >     We've been doing some stress testing here with Tomcat 
> >3.2.3 operating
> >     in standalone mode and with apache via the mod_jk ajp13 
> >connector.
> >
> >     We've noticed something interesting which we're not sure about.
> >
> >     Tomcat running our application standalone can handle 70 
> >simultaneous
> >     users, with a TcpPoolConnector thread pool set to 150. 
> >When we run the
> >     same test via Apache/ajp13, the thread pool is quickly exhausted
> >     (logged in tomcat.log)
> You may have find something interesting. 
> Could you check via netstat in that situation how many ajp connections
> are in CLOSE-WAIT ?
> >     Is this normal operation ? Should an ajp13 connector 
> >consume more tomcat threads than standalone tomcat ?
> http native connector (HTTP/1.0) close connection at end of
> request. In ajp13 the connections between apache and tomcat
> are persistant. What I didn't understand is how you could 
> have 150 ajp13 connections to handle only 70 clients ?
> Stay tuned

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