
I'm working on an embedded system using Linux as the OS.  My group is
currently evaluating technologies to use as a front end to our
configuration software and would like a Web front-end.  We're evaluating
JSP versus Perl / CGI (maybe embPerl).

I was wondering how to minimize Tomcat's installation for deployment after
we have developed our web-application (all the html and jsp pages and
supporting classes and beans would be finalized).  Is Java SDK 1.3 really
necessary to run Tomcat.  Can we have a Java Runtime Environment installed
instead?  (I'm guessing that Tomcat might use something in SDK 1.3 to
complie it's JSP pages into Servlets)

I need to get the footprint to be under 30 MB total, hopefully well under
that if possible.  I was wondering if this is at all attainable, and if
anyone has any comments or suggestions?

Thanks! -Anthony

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