"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> When you set an application's <Context> entry to say "reloadable='true'",
> Tomcat starts a background task that watches for changes to *any* class
> that was originally loaded from /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib.  If such
> a change is detected, the app will be reloaded.  The default checking
> interval is 15 seconds, and can be changed like this:
>   <Context ... reloadable="true" ...>
>     <Loader checkInterval="5"/>
>   </Context>
> Of course, you can reload any application at any time (whether or not
> you've set reloadable) by using the Manager application.

I looked through the StandardLoader code just to get the feel for the
way it works. The way I understand it is that if a .jar file in
WEB-INF/lib gets changed, the app is going to be reloaded (provided the
above is specified). 

Does that mean that if I have a text file, rather then a class file, in
one of those jars and I deploy a new version of the jar with only the
text file changed, the app gets reloaded?


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