Still a bit confused with it...

When I put class files into WEB-INF/classes, Tomcat reports something
like this:

DependManager: Added
class com.binarix.velocity.PumpServlet

Cool. Works as expected, the app gets dumped when I refresh the class.

The second test is with a jar file that contains the very same class.
The application still works, so, obviously, the actually class file is
found in the jar file. The class is not available anywhere else as the
app stops working once the jar is removed from WEB-INF/lib.

However, Tomcat does not report any action from DependManger in relation
to this jar file. Neither it dumps the app when the jar gets refeshed.

I went through the code briefly and there are references to jar files in
DependManger. I must be doing something seriously silly here...


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