you could go a step further than that, and remove the query string
altogether, extracting it from the request url.  That way the end user
wouldn't even know it was being served by a servlet (well, the /servlet
might give it away, but you could change that if it mattered)...


On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Ketan Patel wrote:

> Hi,
> To download file with the specific file name like song.mp3 as your
> following url 
> changed it with following url-
> .
> So while downloading the extrapath song.mp3 will be the filename.
> -Ketan
> chiuming wrote:
> > 
> > I asked this question before, but I didn't get any
> > reply. I post it again in hope someone could give me
> > some hint.
> > 
> > I have a file download servlet serves web browsers.
> > 
> > request to file is like this
> >
> > 
> > The file on the server side is song.mp3.  But the file
> > got download to
> > browser is the servlet name instead.  :(
> > 
> > I heard i need to use the HTTP header
> > res.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;
> > filename=\"" +
> > downloadFile + "\";");
> > 
> > Is Content-Disposition a standard header in HTTP spec?
> >  I heard i should use this whenever I don't want the
> > content display on browser (force Save as Dialog box)
> > 
> > Why everytime I download a file from the web server
> > like song.mp3.
> > there is no such HTTP header from web server? -->
> > Content-Disposition
> > 
> > I think web server is just like a download servlet. It
> > sends raw bytes to web browser. After browser get the
> > bytes, It will not konw what name the file should save
> > as.  Web server must send some kind of HTTP header to
> > tell web browser what file name the file is saved as.
> > right?
> > 
> > How exactly is web server instruct web browser to pop
> > up Save as Dialog box (on unknown mime type) and save
> > the file with name = filename on server?  Does web
> > server use any special HTTP Header (like
> > Content-Disposition)
> > 
> > thanks.
> > 
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