    My claims of exercising due diligence are a crock!.... sorry!
    My include of 'mod_jk.conf-local' was not at the end of  of httpd.conf
as I assumed. I forgot to comment out  plug-in directives for IBM WebSphere
that I'm also working with. These were obviously conflicting with Tomcat
directives. When I comment them out, Tomcat behaves like the 'cool cat' it

----- Original Message -----
From: "C.F.Morrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Internal Server Error (Apache/Tomcat/Jsp/Linux)

> Hi,
> I am using Linux Red Hat 7.1, Apache 1.3.19 & Tomcat 3.2.3.
> I successfully run Tomcat under port 8080 to process servlets + jsps; with
> mod_jk & Apache I run the test servlets sucessfully. However (I swear due
> diligence was observed) I cannot get jsps to run under Apache.
> I get an Internal Server Error claiming misconfiguration. Looking at log
> mod_jk.log I get multiple mesages "jk_uri_worker_map_t::
> done without a match".
> The same log earlier identifies the mappings (8) that are mapped to worker
> ajp13. These mappings seem o.k.
> I don't believe this is the 'tools.jar" problem that I have seen on this
> list; as I said no problems occur with port 8080.
> I downloaded "mod_jk-eapi.so" from the linux subdirectory of tomcat 3.2.3
> binary.
> (btw I have'nt been successful building it myself ... apxs problems +
> horrendously ambiguous instructions in the howto)
> My httpd.conf 'includes' a copy of mod_jk_conf.auto called
> mod_jk_conf.local; this is because Red Hat's distribution of Apache is a
> scattered and necessitated a change to the LoadMoule directive. Tomcat &
> Apache load ok & give me no errors: servlet examples also work as expected
> so it seems my workers & context mappings are o.k.
> Has anyone got Tomcat(3.2.3) jsp examples to work with Apache(1.3.19)
> Linux RH 7.1 with the binary mod_jk-eapi.so supplied?
> I am a moderately good person but admit to homicidal(felicidal?) urges now
> again. Dogs are such nicer creatures!
> Thank you for reading  & more if you can help.
> c.f.morrison

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