Are you sure you're taking care of all of the classpath references in

An alternative way to do this is to upgrade to 4.0rc2 which doesn't
provide any xml support, freeing the web app developer to use whichever
parser whey want.


On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Peoter Veliki wrote:

> I need to make sure the xerces.jar is found in the server classpath before
> Tomcat's own xml.jar (jaxp.jar or whatever it is called).  This is the first
> step in getting soap working.  I have followed the instructions and have not
> been able to get it to work.  I have this in my Tomcat.bat file:
> set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\xerces.jar;%CP%
> According to the docs, this should cause the server to find the org.w3c.dom
> package in xerces.jar first, but it isn't working.
> Is there any alternate way of doing it?
> Thanks

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