On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Bo Xu wrote:

> the following is my suggestion :-)
> * when you compile your Servlet code,  LinkBean need to be in CLASSPATH
> * when you run        your Servlet code,  LinkBean need to be in:
>       if(LinkBean is a unpacked class){
>           - WEB-INF/classes(together will your Servlet class)
>           - $CATALINA_HOME/classes
>           - $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
>      }
>      else if(LinkBean is in a packed jar){
>           - WEB-INF/lib
>          - $CATALINA_HOME/lib
>          - $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
>     }

The Ant build script included in the Tomcat 4 "Application Developer's
Guide" does this kind of thing for you automatically, so you never have to
even think about modifying the CLASSPATH variable.


> Bo
> Sept.22, 2001


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