"Manri Offermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to find some informtation (without success :( ...) on how to do
> the equivalent of:
> mod_jk & Tomcat3.2 & Apache
> --------------------------- server.xml
> <Host name=www.xyz.com>
>   <Context path="" docBase="/home/me/www" reloadable="true" debug="0"/>
> </Host>
> --------------------------- httpd.conf
> <VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
>   ServerName www.xyz.com
>   DocumentRoot /home/me/www
>   JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
>   JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
>   <Location /WEB-INF/ >
>       AllowOverride None
>       deny from all
>   </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> ---------------------------
> with mod_webapp+Tomcat4+Apache.
> Documentations I have found only explain how to deploy a webapp with
> Tomcat4+Apache in a subdirectory (http://xyz.com/webapp/somefile.jsp). What
> I want to do is deploy a webapp in the "root directory" so that the URL
> turns out to be http://xyz.com/somefile.jsp. Does anybody have a clue on how
> to do that? In another ML someone has stated, that I could use mod_jk. I
> tried configuring mod_jk with Tomcat4 without success. Using mod_jk is not
> really what I want to do since my understanding is that mod_jk is already
> dead(?)! with Tomcat4.
> Any help is welcome!

Don't put anything in your server.xml (use the default supplied)...

In httpd.conf put something like:

WebAppConnection .......
WebAppDeploy .......

As described by INSTALL.txt coming with every WebApp module distribution.


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