If you haven't already done this, you might want to check out the keytool
documentation that comes with the JDK. The Examples section pretty much
explains how to do it. The next thing you need to do is a -import when you
get back the signed certificate from Verisign.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Torenvliet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: Get Friggin Verisign Working on Tomcat 4.0 Standalone How To - The
Official Thread

> Hi guys I''ve been searching through various sources like the list
> responses(thanks) to
> my previous posts and I've got two things to offer.
> First the observation that a lot of us are struggling with getting third
> party services like verisign
> to work on tomcat standalone.
> Second I can give what I have so far which I believe is useful, I hope
> someone can move this subject to
> the next level for us.  I'm running tomcat4.0 and jdk1.4(which includes
> JSSE).
> At this point I have certificates and https running on my lan.  The pretty
> little lock shows up on IE6
> whenever one of my pcs requests tomcat to serve up some html.
> I got to this point by following the instructions at
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.0-doc/ssl-howto.html
> word for word.
> I found how to generate a CSR which was stumping a bunch of us, it was in
> SAMS book on J2 I bought
> a while back from a bargain table(to think my wife thought it was
> the command is
> keytool -certreq -keystore /root/.keystore -alias tomcat -file mycsr
> This command uses the keystore I created by following the the ssl how to
> /root/.keystore, and the alias
> I used (again from the ssl how to)being tomcat and saves that highly
> csr that you can send to verisign
> in the file mycsr.  I almost cried when I saw the csr, it was just like on
> versign's website sob
> sob.
> Anyways I am going to send off my csr now, and anyone who would like to
> finish this
> "get friggin verisign working howto" please do so I can go home on time
> tonight.
> Love ya all Nick

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