Set the server name in httpd.conf should solve that (commented out by default), e.g.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 04:10:37PM +0200, Hans-Erik Skyttberg wrote:
> Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 331 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
> Invalid virtual host name
>                                                            [FAILED]
> This is in my httpd.conf:
> LoadModule webapp_module modules/
> AddModule mod_webapp.c
> <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
>     WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
>     WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples
> </IfModule>
> I have not touched server.xml, do I need to in order for the examples to
> work ?
> With mod_jk you could tell htat only .jsp files should be sent to
> tomcat, is this gone with tomcat 4.0 and webapps ?
> Any help greatly appreciated ?
> I read something in server.xml that I should exchange localhost for the
> same values as in ServerName in http.conf, I didn't find any value that
> was localhost underneath this comment so if someone can give me an
> example of how the standard <Service> should look like for this to
> work....
> Regrads
> Hans - Erik Skyttberg
> Boxer TV Access AB
> Tegluddsv. 64
> 115 28 Stockholm
> +46 (0)8 587 899 64
> +46 (0)733 35 70 64

Marcel May
ConSol* GmbH

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