The web is not that complicated a paradigm and trying to shoehorn it into a
rich GUI environment can be a real headache. (At least that's my experience)

Furthermore people using a web app aren't necessarily used to having to
navigate that rich GUI. IMO part of the web's success is that it has a
simpler interface model. Make a web app look like a web app not a VB App and
your users will be happier and your training costs lower.

If you are just looking for the ease-of-deployment that comes with a web app
but really need a rich client front end I'd recommend checking out java web
start (look on the javasoft web site) as a way to automatically deploy
changes in a SWING based app to clients.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 7:59 AM
> Subject: Limits of Web
> I have a question regarding the limits of web applications.
> I sent out an e-mail requesting help for a problem with
> submitting multiple
> forms and the responses I am getting say I am nuts for trying
> to do such
> complicated application on the Web.
> My problem is that I work for a government agency that wants
> to take very
> complicated client server data entry and reporting
> applications (there are
> master/details that go three levels deep) and rewrite them
> for use on the
> web.
> In order to save money they want them to be similar enough to the
> client-server applications so that they will not have to
> retrain users.   I
> am currently finishing up the first (and easiest) of these
> applications and
> have had not a few headaches and frustrations.
> My question is using technologies such as Java, Tomcat, JSP, and Tag
> Libraries, how realistic is it to expect to be able to
> develop complicated
> data entry forms with the same ease of use, precision, and
> stability as
> client server applications using such tools as Java Swing,
> PowerBuilder, VB
> or Oracle Developer?  Are there tools that I am missing that
> would make
> this easier or is the web just not able to handle such
> sophisticated apps?
> Am I setting myself up for disaster?
> Thanks In Advance
> Jeff Sulman

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