the easiest way to do this is to download the .exe version of the tomcat
4 installer.
choose 'custom install' and check the 'install as nt/w2k/xp service'
option. this will install tomcat as a service under nt/w2k.there may be
a manual way to install tomcat as a service, but i haven't run across it.
since enabling a ssl connector, i've been unable to launch tomcat from
the services applet. this probably has something to do with permissions,
etc., on the keyfile used. has anyone sucessfully started tomcat as a
service using ssl?
Esteban wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have downloaded Tomcat 4.0, and I'd like to know how can i set up like =
>version 3.x to work on Windows 2000/NT as service.
>In previous version we can use, but in this versin =
>there isn't.
>Thank you