Hey yal,
  I thinking I'm running into a problem with mod_webapp.

As I understand tomcat/webapp configuration:

1.) In server.xml, only the Tomcat-Apache service is needed. Inside that
service an engine is specified.  Now that engine specifies an appBase (In
my particular case "/www/docs").  This appBase is the first part of the
path to your application.

2.) No host/context entries have to be made in this service because that
information can be gathered from mod_webapp.

3.) In apache a WebAppConnection is made.  Also a WebAppDeploy is laid out

  WebAppDeploy xxx yyy zzz

Where xxx is the final part of the path to your application.  YYY is your
WebAppConnection and zzz specifies the url where this application can be

Feel free to correct me.  My assumption might be what is confusing
me. Alright, so I specify my appBase in the engine part of server.xml to
"/www/docs".  I now do a:

WebAppDeploy site Connection /

Turn both Tomcat and apache on, access the site and nothing happens.  Well
its turns out both apache's error log and tomcat's apache log get spammed
with misconfiguration errors.  Specifically this in tomcat's:

2001-09-26 22:47:34
[org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConfigurationHandler] Cannot find
"/usr/local/www/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/site" for appl. "site" host

2001-09-26 22:47:34
[org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConfigurationHandler] Error
deploying web application "site" under <http://site.blah.net:80/>

Note, tomcat is looking for my app in
/usr/local/www/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/site.  She seems to be ignoring my
appBase specified in the engine.

Is this a bug, or am I confused on tomcat/webapp configuration?

-Chad Johnson

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