And you could make a web server that handled an "HTTP GIVEME" command
instead of "HTTP GET".., and a client to go with it, but if its not
standard, the you will get locked into that server and client... a much
more extreme example, but the same principle.  

I constantly hear of how hard it is to port from JRun, but I must admit
(naively) not understanding the complexities involved in moving classes.

not trying to be rude, or more accurately, trying not to be rude (o:


On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Firestar wrote:

> But JRun does allow me to change it:) I was hoping
> Tomcat 4.0 would be as flexible...
> For e.g. another gd thing abt JRun is that it allows
> us to place our servlets and classes anywhere, instead
> of WEB-INF folder. Specification or not, there are
> times where due to certain reasons or legacy issues
> internally, we have to break the 'rule'. And so far we
> still can't move to Tomcat, as much as we would like
> to...:(
> Firestar
> --- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Jovie Castaneda wrote:
> > 
> > > Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 09:28:46 +1000
> > > From: Jovie Castaneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: RE: How to change session key name
> > >
> > > Hi Larry,
> > >
> > >    Thanks for the reply I really want to make it
> > but it seems that I cant
> > > get
> > > what's going on here is it beacause im using
> > Tomcat 3.1?
> > >
> > 
> > The use of JSESSIONID for the cookie name is
> > required by the servlet
> > specification.  Therefore it is not a configurable
> > option.
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
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