I have installed TC4.0.1 and Apache on Win NT.
Connected them using mod_webapp and Warp.
Sometimes nothing comes and browser waits for the output.
But sometimes i am getting the following error.
WebApp: Error 500
                                     (File: pr_warp.c Line: 434) 
    LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so
    AddModule   mod_webapp.c 

    NameVirtualHost *
   <VirtualHost *>
        ServerName www.myserver.com
        DocumentRoot "D:/Program Files/Apache/htdocs"
 #start for tomcat4.0.1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    WebAppConnection conn      warp  www.myserver.com:8008
    WebAppDeploy     examples  conn  /examples
   WebAppDeploy     myapp  conn  /myapp   
   WebAppInfo       /webapp-info
        #end for tomcat4.0.1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    <VirtualHost *>
    ServerName www.yourserver.com
    DocumentRoot "D:/Program Files/Apache/yourdocs"

i hvnt added anything to the server.xml
No contexts added to the server.xml.
Any idea?

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