>> "Rui" == Rui Miguel Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Rui> No.

    Rui> Use apache web server instead of iis or tomcat webserver.

    Rui> Even the configuration is MUCH MUCH easier (and safer even in
    Rui> default config).

Maybe for large volume servers, but for smaller servers (<10 requests
per second) it is NOT WORTHWHILE to do something else than Tomcat

It is way easier to configure tomcat standalone than configure two
programs (tomcat and apache) plus the connector between tomcat and

Also, if most of your pages are mostly dynamic, relaying everything
through apache will only slow down compared to direct access to the
servlet engine (tomcat).

Only for high volume static pages I would recommend (maybe) adding

Maybe the optimal would be to have two servers, one for dynamic stuff
and one for static stuff (the images etc). The dynamic pages refer to
the other server (apache) for larger static data. Thus you get the
best of two worlds: direct access to the servlets without
deviation/routing through apache, and faster(?) access to static data
through apache. B.t.w. SUN claims a java webserver/servlet engine
should be able to reach the same performance for static data as
dedicated webservers, but I haven't done any benchmarks.

I can only say that after using Apache+Tomcat for our (internal) app
for 10000 users at about 20 requests per second, we ditched Apache and
went to Tomcat (version 4) standalone. This simplyfied configuration
and improved performance.

Peter Mutsaers  |  Dübendorf    | UNIX - Live free or die
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |  Switzerland  | Sent via FreeBSD 4.3-stable

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