
Yes, I do believe this kind of installation is the easiest and I do try to 
install most of my software like this.
I don't want any setups, RPMs, .... to put files where I cannot find them :)

Best regards,

At 01:43 19.10.2001 +0200, you wrote:
> >> "Sergey" == Sergey V Udaltsov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Sergey> When could we expect (S)RPMs?
>What in the world do you need RPM's for?!?
>Just untar the (platform independant) binary release in a directory of
>choice, and you're all set up to run tomcat.
>Have RPM's become some kind of religion, that even for truely trivial
>setups people still demand RPM's?
>install: cd /usr/local; tar zxvf jakarta-tomcat*.tar.gz
>uninstall: rm -rf /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0
>what more do you want?
>Peter Mutsaers  |  Dübendorf    | UNIX - Live free or die
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |  Switzerland  | Sent via FreeBSD 4.3-stable

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