(Yes, I went through the archives, with no luck)
Which TOMCAT config files need to be edited in order to use RMI. On JRun, I simply 
provided Java arguments to point to the stub and added a policy to grant socket 
access. It had a fluffy interface, and worked great. Tomcat on the other hand is less 

I have added a grant line for the sockets to the tomcat.policy file, and added the 
path to the stub in the tomcat.sh file. No luck. If I actually include a call to the 
RMI object, it hangs tomcat all together, and I must kill the threads manually and 
then restart it. The call worked great on JRun/Win2k, but on Linux/Tomcat 3.2.2, all 
hell breaks lose. Because of this, I believe that the RMI java code is OK (the fact 
that it worked on JRun), and that it really must be a Tomcat config issue.

Please help! I go live Saturday.

- D

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