Try 4.01 instead, as it is easier.

1. Get the Mod_webapp binary for Tomcat 4.01, and follow the directions in
the readme file.
2.  Add something like this in apache httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *>
   ServerName localhost
   WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples
   WebAppDeploy onjava conn /onjava
   WebAppDeploy web_change conn /web_change
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
3.  Follow directions for creating web apps in tutorial at
4.  At something like this to Tomcat server.xml
<Context path="/web_change" docBase="web_change" debug="0" reloadable="true"
5.  Start Apache before Tomcat

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pessotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 3:05 AM
Subject: Integrate Apache 1.3.20 and Tomcat 3.2 in Win2k

I have installed both Apache and Tomcat under Win2k and they work fine
I don't know how to integrate them.
I have some Linux instructions...but in Win2k some points seem to be
I included the "tomcat-apache.conf" at the end of "httpd.conf" file.
I started tomcat first, then apache but I obtained errors...
Did I need some apache modules to integrate them?
Someone could give me detailed instructions?

Andrea Pessotto

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