> | Tom Drake wrote:
> |
> | > This has nothing to do with tomcat. It is standard unix behavior.
> | > When a user logs out, all processes created by that user are killed.
> |
> |
> | No, when a user logs out all processes that are children to that shell
> instance
> | are sent a HUP signal (Hang UP). A process may choose to ignore that
> signal.
> | Every well written daemon and server process SHOULD do that (among other
> things).
> Effectively the process is killed. I think we are saying the same thing.
> As far as I know, there's no way to receive SIGHUP (or any other Unix
> signal) in your java code anyway.

I just wanted to be clear. :-) A JVM is a regular UNIX process, I see no reason why it 
shouldn't be able to close it's controlling terminal. Or ignore loosing one, for that 
matter. I have started Tomcat from a terminal with "catalina.sh start" and it shows on 
"ps -A" as:

15532 ??       S        8:34.29 /usr/opt/java130/bin/alpha/native_threads/java 
-classpath /usr/local/java/tomcat-4.01/bin/...

So, it can survive even without "nohup".

> | I use "tomcat.sh start" instead of "tomcat.sh run" and so should Nancy.
> The
> | problem is in Tomcat getting HUP signal, but in loosing a console, I
> think.
> I think that run is actually more appropriate since it will not spawn the
> jvm in background. We are doing that ourselves with the '&' at the end of the
> command above.

Yes, effectively it will do the same thing as "start"


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