
At first I want to say: I have read the how-tos, faq, guides, tutorials
etc. regarding servlet and rmi but I did not find a solution
for my problem.

I am using tomcat 4.0.1 on RedHat Linux 7.1, kernel 2.4.4,
using IBM JDK 1.3.0.

The task is to have a servlet (MyServlet) which uses mypackage.MyRmi
via rmi calls.
mypackage.MyRmi and mypackage.MyRmiImpl seem to be correct because
I can use them from a testclass on a different machine.
But when I try to use them in MyServlet the Naming.lookup
does not work, an exception is raised and tomcat hangs.

The things I configured:
I made a directory tree according the specifications
MyServlet is in the classes dir, the package in classes/mypackage.
I generated a web.xml in WEB-INF.
I added a grant codeBase-section which reflects the settings used in
the policy-file for my test-application.

I installed the RPM Version so Tomcat is started via the provided
Any ideas anyone?  
Thanks in advance.


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