At 02:06 PM 04/12/01, you wrote:

>--- Javier Soques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
>I have gone through the web site, and I could find any
>doc. telling me to how set up the conf. to run both,
>and I have down the jboss embedded with tomcat, but it
>doesn't even have <readme>, it is a little bit hard
>for me to figure out.

What I did:
1. Get tomcat running separately - configured, understood (more or less...)
2. Get JBoss running separately - configured, understood etc.
3. The JNDI stuff is pretty easy. (See if you've got 
tomcat up and running.)
4. Ask questions, once the above is done...

I'll admit it took me ages - mainly because of the database configuration 
stuff... don't even dream about doing it using the jdbc:odbc bridge!

I never did try the embedded version - the tomcat they were using was quite 
a few versions behind the latest release at the time.



                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
   If you try and don't succeed, 
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