mod_webapp turned out to be quite easy to set up... (if we had decent docs and
tutorials) *sigh*

this is a Apache virtual host setting...

    ServerAlias my
    ServerName my.domain

    <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
    WebAppConnection TestConn warp my.domain:8008
    WebAppDeploy     test TestConn /

    DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat 4.0/webapps/test

    ErrorLog logs/my-error.log
    CustomLog logs/my-access.log common

then you can save below example as index.jsp in "C:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat

<%@ page language="Java" %>
JSP Request Method: <%= request.getMethod() %><BR>
Date: <%= new java.util.Date() %><BR>

Go to http://my.domain from your web browser...

The reason why I cant get it working in the first place is the WebAppDeploy
If you want jsp pages on your root dir then the last parameter should be "/"
like the above examples
If you set it to.. lets say "/test/" then you should point your browser to
I hope this will end a lot of confusion..

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