Hi Mike
I'm encountering a few pb with mo_jk, but at least Apache httpd is starting
without any pb.
When I request http://localhost:8009, I get this error message in tomcat4

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ................
        at org.apache.ajp.Ajp13Packet.hexLine(Ajp13Packet.java:521)
        at org.apache.ajp.Ajp13Packet.dump(Ajp13Packet.java:539)
        at org.apache.ajp.Ajp13Packet.checkIn(Ajp13Packet.java:193)
        at org.apache.ajp.Ajp13.receive(Ajp13.java:914)
        at org.apache.ajp.Ajp13.receiveNextRequest(Ajp13.java:296)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I guess there is something wrong somewhere:
(I got the same result with all the lines about webinf ...)

here is what I've added to httpd.conf
# Tomcat 4.0 WebApp Connector

# Tomcat 4.0 AJP13 Connector
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll

JkWorkersFile "G:/Tomcat/conf/workers.properties"
JkLogFile "G:/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"

# Log level to be used by mod_jk
JkLogLevel error

# Root context mounts for Tomcat
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

And I've added the correct lines in the properties file.

If you have any idea about what is going wrong...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:00 PM
Subject: RE: mod_webapp config

I gave up also .... I followed the steps set by a few others to use Mod_jk
..... Works wonderfully .... If you would like me to forward the steps just
let me know ....

-----Original Message-----
From: vendo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 2:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_webapp config

yes, sorry, but for sure, mod_webapp at least doesn't work on win95, even
with all the suggestions I kindly got from this list. I give up too. Vendo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Endre Stølsvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: mod_webapp config

> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, hanzo wrote:
> |
> | ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "William Tansill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 1:15 AM
> | Subject: RE: mod_webapp config
> |
> |
> | > My guess is that if you want to create and run your own JSP's, you
will need
> | > to install them per the standard deployment mechanism, update
server.xml to
> | > reflect the new deployment context, and then restart Tomcat.  At
> | > least
> | > are the steps I'm planning on taking when I get an example up and
> | > If you get your stuff working first, write back to the group and
> | > let
me know
> | > how you did it.  Thanks!
> |
> | I give up using mod_webapp.. mod_rewrite is -a lot easier-
> That is just such a cool idea! :) Just f*** that whole stupid
> responsibility_even_though_both_projects_are_apache_and_it's_such_a_-
> blantantly_needed_piece_of_software.so and just go for something
> that'll rewrite the whole URL!
> Great idea! Really! ;)
> But I guess you loose a bit functionality, e.g. the
> Context|Request|Config.getSomeAttribute() returns the wrong values?
> --
> Mvh,
> Endre
> --
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