Due to problems with my cable modem, please respond via email as well as to 
the list if possible. Thanks...

I am running Tomcat 3.2.x in development mode with default http on port 8080 
and default https on port 8443.

My web application needs to switch in and out of https on occasion while 
prompting for/passing sensitive info. The rest of the time, it is fine in 
normal http.

I have found (experimentally) that the browser does not seem to be passing 
the cookie containing the JSESSIONID value back and forth between urls like 
http://hostname:8080/webapp and httpa://hostname:8443/webapp. I am guessing 
that this is because the host names are different and the browser maintains 
cookies on a per-host name basis.

So when I do the switch between http and https, I loose my session data. I 
have tried getting the value of the JSESSIONID cookie and appending its 
value to the url I go to whilst switching (ex. 
http://hostname:8443/webapp;jessionid=xxx) hoping that I could get the 
session info maintained.

However, this did not appear to work either. Can anyone please give me a way 
to do this? If I use the default ports (80 and 443), I do not have to place 
the port id in with the hostname on the url. In this circumstance, I do get 
session state preserved. This would appear to be because the hostname 
portion of the url does not "change".

It is just something of a pain to use ports lower than 1024 on Linux for 
development (have to be root).

Thanks in advance for you help.


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