I'm having this same problem!  My problem started when I got a verisign 
certificate.  I was working fine with a self-signed cert.
I used OpenSSL to create the csr, and then imported the certificate with
keytool -import -alias tomcat -file mycert.crt
On the PC I get the same Network Error, but on Mac OS X running IE 5.1 I 
Security Failure.  The server reply is invalid.
Nothing seems wrong in the logs.  Anyone have any ideas on this one?

David Bruce
Network Services
Computing Service
University of Arkansas
(501) 575-2905

On Wednesday, December 12, 2001, at 05:43 AM, Sunhild Copony wrote:

> Hi,
> my app is running fine on Solaris.
> Now I have  a first try on SuSE 7.2.
> Everything is fine when I'm using non-ssl connection. With ssl I get the
> following:
> Netscape:Error
> A network error occured while Netscape was receiving data. (Connection
> reset by peer)
> Try connecting again.
> I'm using Tomcat 4.01 stand allone.
> I cann't see anything in Tomcat-logs...
> Maybe anyone has an idea where to look, I'm completely stuck!
> Thx a lot,
> Sunny
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